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Saturday, August 24, 2013

Top Selebriti Berpayudara Besar Lengkap Dengan Ukurannya

Liputan6.com, Los Angeles : Payudara adalah salah satu aset penting bagi selebriti. Di Hollywood, seleb semisal Kim Kardashian, Katy Perry, atau Megan Fox tak segan mengumbar 'gunung kembar' mereka. Ibarat perlombaan, seleb pemilik payudara terbesar bisa dibilang paling menarik perhatian publik dan juru foto. Siapa saja seleb pemilik payudara besar dan berapa ukurannya?
1. Christina Hendricks (ukuran bra: 38-DDD)
Pemeran Joan Holloway di serial televisi Mad Men ini pernah dinobatkan sebagai Wanita Terseksi dan Tercantik di Dunia oleh majalah Esquire pada 2010. Wanita kelahiran 3 Mei 1975 ini memilih profesi sebagai model mulai umur 18-27 tahun. Dirinya juga mendapat predikat wanita modern Hollywood yang ideal dan glamor.
Christina Hendriks pernah mendapat pujian dari anggota parlemen Inggris, Lynne Featherstone. "Dia adalah wanita yang menakjubkan. Bentuk badannya merupakan impian setiap wanita. Setiap negara perlu panutan seperti Christina Hendricks karena ada sensasi yang berbeda dari tubuhnya."
Film: Drive, I Don't Know She Does It, Ginger and Risa, Struck by Lightning, South of Pico, La Cucina, Life as We Know It.

2. Katy Perry (ukuran bra: 32-D)

Katy Perry seolah mewakilkan wanita California seperti di lagunya, California Gurls. Ia menggambarkan kehidupan kebanyakan kaum Hawa di sebelah barat Amerika Serikat yang glamor, seksi, dan kerap menghabiskan waktu di pinggir pantai untuk berjemur.
Katy Perry memang tampil seksi di videoklip lagu ini. Tapi tak ada yang kaget sebelum melihat foto topless Katy untuk majalah Rolling Stone. Tak banyak wanita dengan tubuh langsing tapi memiliki payudara besar.
Selain tubuh indahnya, Katy Perry juga mempunyai kisah cinta yang menarik. Mulai dari pernikahan singkatnya bersama komedian Russell Brand, hingga jalinan asmaranya dengan si tampan John Mayer.
Mantan suami: Russel Brand
Pacar: John Mayer

3. Salma Hayek (ukuran bra: 36-Cs)Siapa tak kenal Salma Hayek? Bintang film Grown Ups 2 ini sudah memulai kariernya sebagai aktris sejak 1989. Sejak saat itu, ia hampir dibilang tak pernah absen bermain film. Sebut saja Dream On (1990), Street Justice (1991), Nurses (1991), dan The Sinbad Show (1993).
Namanya semakin melambung ketika membintangi Desperado bersama Antonio Banderas pada 1995. Nampaknya, Salma Hayek sudah beradu akting dengan semua aktor tampan Hollywood. Sebut saja Matt Damon, George Clooney, Quentin Tarantino, Mathhew Perry, dan Russell Crowe. Salma Hayek juga masuk ke daftar 50 Wanita Tercantik di Dunia versi majalah People.
Tunangan: Francois-Henri Pinault
Mantan pacar: Edward Norton, Josh Lucas

4. Kim Kardashian (ukuran bra: 32-DD)
Kim Kardashian adalah Ratu Reality Show. Selain itu, wanita yang satu ini juga selalu menarik perhatian publik lewat penampilannya yang seksi. Menjadi foto model topless atau naked seolah menjadi sarapan Kim. Buah dada? Jangan ditanya..
Kim Kardashian punya ukuran yang cukup besar. Bayangkan ketika dirinya sedang hamil. Stop membayangkan, lihat saja foto di samping ini.
Kini, Kim sudah melahirkan. Buah hatinya itu adalah hasil hubungan asmaranya bersama Kanye West yang kini menjadi tunangannya [baca: Kim Kardashian Melahirkan Anak Perempuan].
Tunangan: Kanye West
Mantan pacar: Kris Humphries

5. Pamela Anderson (ukuran bra: 36-DD)

Tercatat sebagai artis yang sudah delapan kali mengoperasi payudaranya, Pamela Anderson adalah mantan model Playboy yang juga ternama berkat akting seksinya di serial televisi Baywatch.
Pam pernah harus merelakan iklan bikini terbarunya batal tayang di televisi. Alasannya, iklan itu dinilai sejumlah pengamat periklanan di Amerika dapat membuat wanita tersinggung. Payudaranya yang terlalu besar itu dianggap dapat mengecilkan semangat hidup wanita lain. Duh!
Pamela Anderson juga pernah perbincangan publik saat ia tampil berdansa dengan rekannya, Matt Evers. Payudara Pam mendadak 'jatuh' saat ia terpeleset di atas panggung. Ia menyalahkan pakaian dansa yang dikenakan malam itu. Menurutnya, pakaian tersebut tak sesuai dengan kebutuhannya.
Mantan suami: Tommy Lee, Kid Rock, Rick Salomon
Pacar: Rick Solomon

6. Dolly Parton (ukuran bra: 42-DD)
Saat nama Dolly Parton meroket di akhir era 70-an, ia dikenal sebagai wanita bertubuh semok dan berpayudara besar. Pakaian ketat dengan belahan dada yang menonjolkan payudaranya menjadi ciri khas Parton.
Payudara Dolly Parton memang sama terkenalnya dengan kariernya di dunia musik country. Dirinya pernah istirahat selama delapan pekan akibat terlalu berat membawa payudaranya selama konser.
Untuk kali pertamanya Parton membuat pengakuan bahwa setelah kehilangan berat badan drastis pada 1980-an. Dalam sebuah wawancara dengan tim redaksi sebuah koran di Inggris ia mengatakan pernah mengoperasi payudaranya agar tetap pada ukuran sebelum berat badannya turun.
Suami: Carl Thomas Dean

7. Kelly Osbourne (ukuran bra 36-B)
Tak banyak wanita yang ingin mengecilkan payudaranya. Salah satu di antaranya adalah putri musisi legendaris Ozzy Osbourne, Kelly. Tapi, Kelly sempat kesal lantaran memiliki payudara besar membuatnya menjadi pusat perhatian.
Kelly Osbourne juga pernah mengalami obesitas. Saat itu, payudara Kelly pun agak invisible lantaran publik lebih melihat tubuhnya yang sintal. Tapi begitu ia berhasil langsing, payudara Kelly kembali dan ia langsung digaet majalah Vogue untuk menjadi model pakaian dalam.
Juli lalu, Kelly Osbourne bertunangan dengan kekasihnya, Matthew Moshart. Kelly bakal naik altar pertengahan Desember tahun ini [baca: Akui Tunangan, Kelly Osbourne Segera Nikahi Matthew Mosshart].
Tunangan: Matthew Mosshart
Mantan pacar: Luke Worrall, Bert McCracken (vokalis The Used)

8. Norma Stitz (ukuran bra: 102-ZZZ, berat payudara: 50 kilogram)
Ia bukan selebriti. Tapi namanya ada di Wikipedia setelah ia memecahkan rekor sebagai wanita pemilik payudara terbesar di dunia. Pada 1999, 2009, dan 2011, Guiness Book of Records mencatat ukuran bra Norma Stitz mencapai 102-ZZZ dengan berat kedua payudara 50 kilogram.
Saat kecil, Norma Stitz sudah menerima ejekan karena dadanya mulai tumbuh berbeda ketika dirinya berusia sembilan tahun. Ia tidak menyadari perberbedaan itu hingga masuk ke dalam kelas dan tidak bisa duduk di belakang meja.
Ibu dua anak ini mengatakan dia pertama kali mengenakan bra ketika berusia 10 tahun. "Aku tidak tahu ukurannya. Yang jelas besar. Satu-satunya yang aku ingat mereka terbuat dari katun dan seperti berisi bola dan saat itulah aku tahu bahwa aku berbeda.
"Aku suka anak laki-laki di sekolah tetapi gadis bertubuh besar tidak pernah mendapatkan anak laki-laki. Seorang laki-laki suka kepadaku tapi dia bilang aku tidak bisa memberitahu siapa pun jika ia berbicara padaku."
Akhirnya ia benar-benar belajar bagaimana mencintai dirinya sendiri dan ukuran tubuhnya, setelah pertemuan dengan suaminya Alan. Mereka menikah selama 13 tahun sampai suaminya meninggal delapan tahun lalu.
"Aku jatuh cinta dengan diriku sendiri. Setiap kali aku bertemu dokter baru yang menawarkan operasi, aku mengatakan tidak perlu operasi. Aku memiliki punggung yang kuat dan tidak pernah sakit pinggang. Aku sudah terapi untuk tahu bagaimana menahan diri. Jadi aku tidak akan menyakiti diri sendiri".
"Saat aku turun dari tempat tidur, aku harus berguling sehingga payudaraku tergantung dari tempat tidur dan aku bangun menggunakan siku, bukan punggung."(Asw)

Monday, August 12, 2013

Sudah Menikah Masih Memakai Kondom Saat Bercinta, Mengapa?

Seorang seksolog Jill McDevitt, PhD, memilih tetap menggunakan kondom meski sudah menikah dengan kekasihnya Ryan. Menurutnya, ada banyak alasan orang menikah tetap pakai kondom. Namun, secara pribadi ia mengakui pilihannya itu yang terbaik yang tepat untuk hubungannya.

Jill selama 5 tahun hidup bersama dengan kekasihnya juga tak pernah berhubungan seks tanpa kondom.

"Saya mengajarkan seks aman untuk anak-anak dan saya mempraktikkan sesuai yang saya katakan sebagai langkah pencegahan kehamilan," kata Jill seperti dikutip Cosmopolitan, Senin (12/8/2013).

Jill mengakui, kondom harus dipakai ketika melakukan hubungan seks di luar hubungan monogami dan menjadi hal yang konyol jika mempromosikan orang yang menikah tetap memakai kondom. Apalagi, bagi pria menggunakan kondom rasanya hampir seperti memakai tupperware di penisnya.

"Meskipun saya sekarang menikah, saya berdiri dengan keputusan saya untuk menggunakan kondom dan tahu itu tepat untuk saya, sekarang-untuk tubuh saya, hidup saya, dan hubungan saya," ujarnya.

Jill menjelaskan, ada berbagai alasan mengapa pasangan menikah memilih tetap menggunakan kondom, meski itu pilihan yang berat untuk sang pria:

1. Salah satu atau keduanya tidak monogami

Mungkin saja, salah satu atau keduanya swinger (tukar pasangan seks) atau polyamorists atau tidak setia. Bisa saja salah satunya melakukan threesome saat pesta pora.

2. Salah satu atau keduanya terinfeksi

Mungkin salah satunya positif HIV. Mungkin salah satunya terkena herpes dari pasangan sebelumnya atau dari pelecehan seksual semasa kanak-kanang dan tak ingin menginfeksi pasangannya. Mungkin salah satunya pernah memiliki pekerjaan yang mengharusnya kontak secara teratur dengan darah yang terinfeksi.

3. Belum siap punya anak
Mungkin menggunakan kondom karena belum menginginkan anak atau sudah, tapi wanita tak bisa menggunakan kontrasepsi hormonal karena penyakit jantung dan berisiko tinggi terkena stroke atau mengalami mual yang parah.

4. Menggunakan kondom karena suka kondom

Mungkin pasangan berpikiran orang mengalami sensasi pemanasan dan pendinginan atau kondom bisa menambah kenikmatan seksualnya.

5. Memperlama hubungan seksual

Mungkin pasangan menggunakan kondom agar memperpanjang hubungan seksualnya dan membuat pria bertahan lama sebelum mengalami orgasme.

6.Kondom jadi bagian favorit saat bercinta

Mungkin seks menjadi bagian favorit saat berhubungan seksual dan kondom membuat keduanya bisa berbaring dan berpelikan tanpa gangguan untuk bersih-bersih.

7. Pernah diperkosa

Mungkin salah satua atau keduanya diperkosa dengan seseorang yang tidak memakai kondom dan ejakulasi dalam tubuh.

Saturday, August 3, 2013

3 Steps To Make A Man Love You

Let’s face it — there is no foolproof way to get every man to fall madly in love with you. Or is there?… Almost ALL men have the same needs when it comes to looking for the right woman, so there are ways of catching the eye of almost any man.
  • Would you like to turn the head of any man?
  • Attract that man you’ve had your eye on for a while?
  • Or just want to take your current relationship to a deeper level?
Find the ANSWER in this video by relationship author, Michael Fiore.  In this video, he reveals to you the same three, life-changing steps he’s taught to thousands of women around the world so you can quickly and easily get the man of your dreams. Watch now below.

Friday, August 2, 2013

7 Foods For Better Love

Enough about oysters, already!

strawberriesIf you want to put some sizzle back into your sex life, food can help you set the mood. There’s nothing better than a romantic, home-cooked dinner, featuring some R-rated foods to help turn up the heat. “There’s a growing body of evidence that some of the vitamins and components in foods can enhance sexual function and sexual experience,” says Jennifer R. Berman, MD, the director of the Berman Women’s Wellness Center, in Beverly Hills, Calif.

Here are some of the food ingredients (and my own favorite recipes) that have been major players in aphrodisiac history and lore, and also have modern-day science to back up their claims. 


The Aztecs referred to avocados as, ahem, testicles, because of their physical shape. But the scientific reason why avocados make sense as an aphrodisiac is that they are rich in unsaturated fats and low in saturated fat, making them good for your heart and your arteries. Anything that keeps the heart beating strong helps keep blood flowing to all the right places; in fact, men with underlying heart disease are twice as likely to suffer from erectile dysfunction (ED).

Try these recipes:
Seared Chicken With Avocado
Adobe Marinated Flank Steak With Spinach Salad


Topping my list of feisty foods, almonds have long been purported to increase passion, act as a sexual stimulant, and aid with fertility. Like asparagus (another one of my favorite sexy foods), almonds are nutrient-dense and rich in several trace minerals that are important for sexual health and reproduction, such as zinc, selenium, and vitamin E.  “Zinc helps enhance libido and sexual desire,” says Dr. Berman. “We don’t really understand the mechanisms behind it, but we know it works.”

Try these recipes:
Honey-Glazed Marcona Almonds
Rustic Plum and Almond Tart
Salmon With Maple Syrup and Toasted Almonds


The color red is known to help stoke the fire: A 2008 study found that men find women sexier if they’re wearing red, as opposed to cool colors such as blue or green. Strawberries are also an excellent source of folic acid, a B vitamin that helps ward off birth defects in women and, according to a University of California, Berkley study, may be tied to high sperm counts in men. This Valentine’s Day, try making dark-chocolate-dipped strawberries. And while we’re on the subject, there’s a reason we give chocolate on Valentine’s Day: It’s full of libido-boosting methylxanthines.


Despite their slippery and slimy texture, oysters may be the most well-known aphrodisiac. They’re also one of the best sources of libido-boosting zinc. But other types of seafood can also act as aphrodisiacs. Oily fish—like wild salmon and herring—contain , which are essential for a healthy heart.

Try these recipes:
Smoked Salmon and Farfalle in Lemon Cream Sauce


Arugula has been heralded as an arousal aid since the first century. Today, research reveals that the trace minerals and antioxidants packed into dark, leafy greens are essential for our sexual health because they help block absorption of some of the environmental contaminants thought to negatively impact our libido.

Try these recipes:
• Fusilli Michelangelo With Roasted Chicken


These funny-shaped fruits have a long history of being a fertility booster, and they make an excellent aphrodisiac because they are packed with both soluble and insoluble fiber, which is important for heart health. Plus, high-fiber foods help fill you up, not out, so it’s easier to achieve that sexy bottom line—or belly.

Try these recipes:
Wilted Escarole Salad With Figs, Bacon, and Blue Cheese


Any member of this tropical fruit family is super-rich in antioxidants, vitamin C, and folic acid—all of which are essential for men’s reproductive health. Enjoy a romantic salad that incorporates citrus, like pink grapefruit or mandarin oranges, or use a dressing made with lemon and lime.

Try these recipes:
Endive Salad With Oranges and Goat Cheese
Citrus Shrimp Refresher



Shailene Woodley's natural beauty

Actress Shailene Woodley talks about acting make up free in her latest movie "The Spectacular Now" and reveals how she feels about being a Hollywood It girl. (July 31) 

Shailen Diann Woodley Biography:
Shailene Diann Woodley (born November 15, 1991) is an American actress. She is best known for portraying Amy Juergens in the ABC Family series The Secret Life of the American Teenager and for co-starring alongside George Clooney in the critically acclaimed 2011 film The Descendants, for which she won the Independent Spirit Award for Best Supporting Female and was nominated for the Golden Globe Award for Best Supporting Actress - Motion Picture. For her performance in the upcoming film The Spectacular Now, she won the Dramatic Special Jury Award for Acting at the 2013 Sundance Film Festival.
Woodley will be starring as Beatrice Prior in the upcoming film adaptation of Veronica Roth's Divergent in 2014. She has also been cast as Hazel Grace Lancaster in the upcoming film adaptation of John Green's novel The Fault in Our Stars

Woodley was born in Simi Valley, California. Her mother, Lori (née Victor), is a middle school counselor, and her father, Lonnie Woodley, is a school principal.[2][3] She has a younger brother, Tanner.[4] When she was 15 and a freshman, her parents divorced and she was also diagnosed with scoliosis. She was put in a chest-to-hips plastic brace to straighten her spine.
In 2002, she appeared in small television roles on Without a Trace and The District. In 2005, she was nominated for a Young Artist Award (YAA) in the Category: Best Performance in a TV Movie, Miniseries or Special—Leading Young Actress for her role in A Place Called Home as California Ford.[6] She also originally played Kaitlin Cooper in The O.C. She appeared as Felicity Merriman in Felicity: An American Girl Adventure, for which she received a Young Artists award nomination in the Category: Best Performance in a TV Movie, Miniseries or Special (Comedy or Drama). This is one of two TV specials that Woodley appeared in with John Schneider. She appeared on Crossing Jordan as a young Jordan, as well as other television series including Everybody Loves Raymond, My Name is Earl, CSI: NY, and Close to Home. In 2007, Woodley appeared in Cold Case as Sarah Gunden, the murder victim's younger Amish sister, who originally brought the case to the investigators' attention. Woodley stars in the ABC Family series The Secret Life of the American Teenager as Amy Juergens, a 15 year old who discovers she is pregnant. The show explores the effects of her pregnancy on her family, friends and herself as well as life at Ulysses S. Grant High School in California.
In 2011 Woodley made her feature film debut in a breakout performance in The Descendants, for which she received critical acclaim and has been nominated for a Golden Globe and more than a dozen other awards.[7] She also won the Independent Spirit Award. In this film, she starred alongside George Clooney as Alexandra King, the troubled daughter of Clooney's character.[8] People named her one of 2012 Most Beautiful at Every Age.[9] Woodley was also considered one of the 55 faces of the future by Nylon Magazine's Young Hollywood Issue.[10]
Woodley starred in the film adaptation of Tim Tharp's novel, The Spectacular Now. She plays a social outcast girl trying to plan for the future who meets a boy who is a senior in high school who likes to party and live in the moment. He begins to date her as a project and realizes he has the power to permanently impact her life. Production of the film occurred in the summer of 2012 and it premiered at Sundance in January 2013.[11][12] She has also recently signed on to star in White Bird, an independent film about a troubled young woman whose life is upended following the mysterious disappearance of her mother, directed by Gregg Araki.[13] In October 2012, it was announced that Woodley was offered the role of Mary Jane Watson in the upcoming sequel to the 2012 film The Amazing Spider-Man.[14] On June 19, 2013 it was announced that Mary Jane was cut from the film. Director Marc Webb told The Hollywood Reporter that the cut was "a creative decision to streamline the story and focus on Peter and Gwen and their relationship," and that everyone loved working with Woodley.[15] On March 19, 2013, it was announced that Woodley had accepted the role starring as Hazel Grace Lancaster in the film adaptation of John Green's novel The Fault in Our Stars. Green added about Woodley; "There were so many amazing auditions for the role of Hazel, but Shailene's love for the book and her understanding of Hazel blew me away." via Twitter.[16]
Woodley is set to star as Tris Prior in the upcoming movie Divergent, which is an adaptation of Veronica Roth’s young adult novel. The movie is releasing in March 2014.
Shailene Diann Woodley (lahir di Simi Valley, California, Amerika Serikat, 15 November 1991; umur 21 tahun) adalah Seorang aktris Amerika. Woodley terkenal dalam memerankan Amy jurgens di ABC Family seri The Secret Life of American Teenager dan membintangi film The Descendants, bersama George Clooney. Sebagai Alexander King. Anak dari Matthew King (George Clooney). Untuk penampilannya dalam The Descendants, ia dinominasikan dalam Golden Globe Awards dan memenangkan Independent Spirit Award selain itu juga memenangkan 2012 MTV Movie Awards Breakthrough Performance Award.
Woodley lahir 15 November 1991 di Simi valley,California.Ibunya Lori (née Victor), seorang penasehat sekolah menegah, dan Ayahnya Loonie Woodley , seorang kepala sekolah. DIa mempunya adik laki-laki bernama Tanner. Ketika Woodley berumur 15, kedua orangtuanya bercerai, dan dia juga didiagnosis mengalam skoliosis. Untuk terapi skoliosis, sebuah penjeput dada sampai pinggul ditaruh di tulang belakangnya.

Tahun 2002, dia muncul sebagai sebuah peran kecil di seri tv dalam Without Trace dan The District. Tahun 2005, dia dinominasikan sebagai Young Artist Award(YAA)dalam kategori Best Performance in a TV Movie, Miniseries or Special—Leading Young Actress untuk peran Shailene sebagai California Ford dalam A Place Called Home. Shailene juga memainkan peran sebagai Kaitlin Cooper in The O.C. . Shailene muncul lagi sebagai Felicity Merriman dalam ''Felicity: An American Girl Adventure''.Berkat perannya itu, Shailene menerima Young Artists award nomination in the Category: Best Performance in a TV Movie, Miniseries or Special (Comedy or Drama). Ini adalah salah satu dari dua kemunculannya di dua tv, John Schneider. Dia muncul di ''Crossing Jordan'' sebagai jordan muda , juga di beberapa tv series lainnya, di antaranya Everybody Loves Raymond, My Name is Earl, CSI: NY, and Close to Home. Tahun 2007 , Woodley muncul dalam ''Cold Case'' sebagai Sarah gurden , saudara Amish dari korban pembunuhan, dan membuat para investigator menyorot kasus tersebut. Woodley membintangi ABC Family seri The Secret Life of the American Teenager sebagai Amy Jurgens. gadis berumur 15 tahun , yang mengetahui ternyata dirinya hamil. Tv seri itu menunjukkan efek dari kehamilan Amy Jurgens terhadap keluarganya, temannya dan dirinya sendiri sebagai murid SMA di Ulysses S. Grant High School di California. Tahun 2011 Woodley memulai akting pertamanya di perfilman dalam film The Descendants. Dia dianugerahkan pujian yang kirits dan telah dinominasikan untuk Golden Globe Awards dan lebih dari selusin penghargaan lainnya. Di film The Descendants Woodley berperan sebagai Alexander King. Anak dari Matthew King (yang diperankan oleh George Clooney). Karakter Alexander adalah seorang anak yang suka minum-minum, bermasalah dan kasar. ''People'' menjuluki Woodley sebagai salah satu Mata terindah di usianya. Woodley bersiap-siap untuk membintangi film adaptasi novel karya Tim Tharp. The Spectacular Now. Film itu akan berkisikan tentang kehidupan dari senior sekolah menengah atas. Sebagai rencana, dia mulai berkencan dengan orang buangan sosial , seorang gadis yang merencanakan tentang masa depan, dan mulai menyadari bahwa ia memiliki kekuatan unutk mempengaruhi kehidupan seseorang. Produksi akan dimulai saat Musim Panas 2012, filmnya akan dirilis pada tahun 2013. Baru-baru ini, dia juga baru saja menandatangi kontrak untuk berakitng dalam film White Bird. Independent film tentang wanita bermasalah, yang kehiudpannya telah dijungkir balikkan oleh menghilangnya ibunya.

Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Anti Aging Secrets

What's her secret?

By Ingela Ratledge
From Health magazine
Credit: Getty Images

We’ve all been there: That moment midappointment when you catch yourself shamelessly staring at your hairdresser, dermatologist, or dentist and thinking, How the heck does she pull it off? What’s the secret to her great hair, pore-free complexion, or flawless teeth?

Well, we decided to go straight to the source and find out how to get that ageless look—naturally. We asked the beauty industry’s most sought-after stylists, aestheticians, and MDs to divulge their tricks for stopping the clock. If there’s no fountain of youth, their unexpectedly simple advice might be the next best thing.

Use sesame oil

"First thing every morning, I massage organic sesame oil from the health-food store all over my body. Working it in wakes me up and really gets my blood circulating. Plus, the oil hydrates my skin, giving it a healthy glow. Then I jump in the shower—the oil naturally cleans away dead skin cells."—Lisa Hedley, founder and creative director of the Mayflower Inn and Spa, Washington, Conn.

Consider fish oil

"Anti-inflammatories are the best anti-agers out there. From improving heart and immune functions to helping hair grow and skin look supple, they truly do wonders. I take three 500 milligram capsules of omega-3 fish oil in the morning and at night. I look for labels that say, 'molecularly distilled for purity,' which means pesticide-free."—Arlene Noodleman, MD, medical director of the Age Defy Dermatology and Wellness Center, Campbell, Calif.

Down that java

"I avoid stained teeth by drinking my coffee quickly. If you sip it over the course of an hour, it keeps coating and recoating. The same goes for other staining liquids, like tea and dark juices."—Elisa Mello, DDS, cosmetic dentist, New York City

Blow off base

"I've stopped using foundation every day, because it settles into wrinkles and makes them more noticeable. I start with a concealer just where I need it (under-eye area, blemishes, etc.) and follow it with an allover application of tinted moisturizer."—Joanna Schlip, celebrity makeup artist for Physician’s Formula

Keep it simple

"Because I'm a plastic surgeon, companies send me so many skin-care samples—and some of them have 10 different steps! But I'm realistic, so there's no way I'm going to sign up for some huge beauty system that costs hundreds of dollars and requires a commitment that I'm not willing to make. Honestly, here's my daily skin-care routine: I go home, wash my face with a drugstore cleanser, put on a moisturizer, and fall into bed. I find that this simple regimen works well for me."—Karen M. Horton, MD, plastic surgeon and reconstructive microsurgeon at the Women's Plastic Surgery Center, San Francisco

Don't eat white sugar...

"The number-one ingredient that I avoid in my diet is processed sugar. The reason: It speeds up the aging process by binding to and eventually weakening the collagen in your skin, which can lead to premature wrinkles and sagging. I eat lots of vegetables and fruits every day—and I steer clear of Twinkies at all costs!"—Ava Shamban, MD, dermatologist and owner of the Laser Institute for Dermatology and Skin care, Santa Monica, Calif.

...Scrub with it instead
"In the shower, I lather my hands with a mild cleanser, add a handful of white sugar, and slather it all over my face and body. It makes my skin so smooth and creates a great canvas for makeup."—Carmindy, celebrity makeup artist

Add body while you sleep

"At night, I straighten my hair with a flat iron and put it up in a loose ponytail right above my forehead—it's not cute, but I don't care—and wear it like that all night. When I take it down in the morning, it has such a youthful bounce to it."—Laura Hittleman, corporate director of beauty services, Canyon Ranch, Tucson, Ariz.

Pamper your eye area

"I treat the skin around my eyes separately. Face creams can be too irritating, but products made for this delicate area work wonders for smoothing fine lines. I prefer to use a gel formula; the lightweight consistency keeps my eye makeup looking fresh all day."—Laura Hittleman, Canyon Ranch

Spa up your hands

"I was really beginning to notice signs of aging on my hands, so I started taking care of them with the same routine that I use to take care of my face. Every time I exfoliate or use a mask on my face, I exfoliate or apply that same mask to my hands, too. I also use an enzyme concentrate on both my face and hands. I think this has made a big difference."—Kirsten Combs, spa director, Mii Amo, Sedona, Ariz.

Massage away stress

"I absolutely believe in massage. Moving blocked energy makes me feel younger from the inside out. I especially love reflexology and deep-tissue massage.

If you don’t have the time or money to get one regularly, you can achieve a lot of the same benefits by taking 20 minutes each day to stretch, meditate, and calm yourself, breathing deeply in and out."—Lisa Hedley, Mayflower Inn and Spa

Wear your vitamins

"I use an over-the-counter topical vitamin C cream that has a 30% concentration. It's a wonderful antioxidant that helps my skin repair itself from sun damage. Plus, it has natural sunscreen properties in it, so combining it with my daily SPF has a synergistic effect."—Arlene Noodleman, MD, medical director of the Age Defy Dermatology and Wellness Center, Campbell, Calif.

Freshen up with fruit

"I snack on anything with malic acid—like strawberries, apples, and grapes—which act as a natural tooth cleanser and help break down stains."—Elisa Mello, DDS, cosmetic dentist, New York City.

In a rush? Think primer

"If I'm running out of the house and don't have time for makeup, I just put an illuminating primer all over my face and chest. It contains tiny reflective particles that help bounce light around the skin and make fine lines less noticeable."—Carmindy, makeup artist and co-creator of Sally Hansen’s Natural Beauty Inspired by Carmindy.

Work an angle

"I wear my hair layered around my face, even if it's just a tiny bit of fringe around the cheeks. This style has a lifting effect on my features; cuts that are all one length draw the eye downward and give the illusion of droopiness."—Ann Minahan, hair stylist and owner of Riah Salon, New York City

Try this hair trick

"Instead of using a styling gel to control my curls, I scrunch a nickel-size amount of conditioner or treatment mask into my damp hair before blow-drying. The conditioner not only tames flyaways and frizz but also provides serious hydration, which, I believe, is the key to younger-looking hair."—Rita Hazan, celebrity colorist and owner of Rita Hazan Salon in New York City

Love your lashes

"I take care of my lashes, so they don't get brittle and dry—and eventually fall out. My secret: When applying my eye cream at night, I dab a little bit extra onto the tips of my lashes with my fingers so they stay moisturized and healthy."—Joanna Schlip, celebrity makeup artist.

Saturday, June 8, 2013

How to Beat Insomia


General insomnia is a classification of sleep disorders in which a person has trouble falling asleep, staying asleep, or waking up too early. These disorders may also be defined by an overall poor quality of sleep. 

Can't sleep?

You don't have to lie awake for hours past your bedtime to have insomnia. The condition can manifest itself in several ways.
Yes, you may have trouble falling asleep (known as sleep-onset insomnia), but some people have problems staying asleep (sleep-maintaining insomnia) or waking up too early (early morning awakening).
Sleep specialists may look for an underlying cause, such as a medical condition or psychological issue. Here are 11 classifications of insomnia, developed by the American Academy of Sleep Medicine. 

Adjustment insomnia

This disorder, also called acute insomnia or short-term insomnia, disturbs your sleep and usually stems from stress. The sleep problem ends when the source of stress is gone or when you adapt to the stress. The stress does not always come from a negative experience. Something positive can make you too excited to sleep well.

Behavioral insomnia of childhood

This condition occurs when children don't go to bed on time unless a parent or guardian enforces a bedtime. If the children are made to go to bed at a specified time, then they tend to fall asleep at a normal hour. If they are not given strict bedtimes, then they may linger awake for hours at night.

Idiopathic insomnia

Idiopathic insomnia is a lifelong sleep disorder that starts during infancy or childhood and continues into adulthood. This insomnia cannot be explained by other causes. It is not a result of any of the following.
  • Other sleep disorders
  • Medical problems
  • Psychiatric disorders
  • Stressful events
  • Medication use
  • Other behaviors
It may result from an imbalance in your body, such as an overactive awakening system and/or an underactive sleep system, but the true cause of this disorder is still unclear.

Insomnia due to a drug or substance

This type of insomnia is directly related to the use of any of the following substances:
  • Medication
  • Caffeine
  • Alcohol
  • A food item
Your sleep is disrupted by your use of the substance. This type of sleep problem may also occur when you stop using a substance.

Insomnia due to a medical condition

This insomnia is caused by a mental health disorder. The insomnia is a symptom of the disorder. The course and severity of insomnia are directly linked to that of the mental health disorder, but the insomnia is a separate focus of treatment. This insomnia is a disorder only if it is severe enough to require separate treatment.

Insomnia non organic, unspecified

This type of insomnia suggests that known substances and other physical causes of the insomnia have been ruled out. This means that the cause of insomnia is most likely due to an underlying mental health disorder, psychological factor, or sleep disruptive behaviors.

The name may also be used on a temporary basis while further evaluation and testing are completed. It is the name used when a person with insomnia does not meet the criteria for another type of insomnia.

Insomnia organic, unspecified

This type of insomnia is caused by a medical disorder, physical condition, or substance exposure. But the specific cause remains unclear. Further testing is required to discover the exact cause. The name may be used on a temporary basis while further evaluation and testing are completed.

Paradoxical insomnia

Paradoxical insomnia is a complaint of severe insomnia. It occurs without objective evidence of any sleep disturbance. Daytime effects vary in severity, but they tend to be far less severe than one would expect given the expressed sleep complaints.

People with this disorder often report little or no sleep for one or more nights. They also describe having an intense awareness of the external environment or internal processes consistent with being awake. This awareness suggests a state of hyperarousal. A key feature is an overestimation of the time it takes them to fall asleep. They also underestimate their total sleep time.

Psycho physiological insomnia

This insomnia is associated with excessive worrying, specifically focused on not being able to sleep. The insomnia may begin suddenly following an event or develop slowly over many years.

People with this sleep disorder worry too much about their insomnia and about being tired the next day. As a result, they learn to become tense and anxious as bedtime approaches. They may have racing thoughts that all relate to insomnia and trying to fall asleep. As they worry about falling asleep, they become more and more tense, which makes it less likely that they will be able to fall asleep.
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