/* Fashion and Life Style: February 2013 Fashion and Life Style: February 2013

Thursday, February 28, 2013

The best food to eat for your breakfast

Start your day off right

The next time you rush out the door in the morning without something to eat, consider this: Skipping breakfast can set you up for overeating later in the day. A healthy a.m. meal, on the other hand, can give you energy, satisfy your appetite, and set the stage for smart decisions all day long.

"You want to aim for a breakfast that combines good carbs and fiber with some protein," says Erica Giovinazzo, MS, RD, a nutritionist at Clay Health Club and Spa, in New York City. Luckily, your options are plenty. Here's a look at some of our favorite breakfast foods, along with expert tips for making them even healthier. 


You may have noticed a heart-shaped seal on your box of oatmeal recently. The seal's there because oats contain beta-glucan, a type of fiber that's been shown to help lower cholesterol when eaten regularly. Need another reason to dig in? Oats are also rich in omega-3 fatty acids, folate, and potassium.

Steel-cut oats, which take about 15 minutes to cook, contain more fiber than rolled oats or instant varieties, but any type of oatmeal is a healthy choice. Just avoid the flavored kinds, which can be packed with sugar. Instead, sweeten your bowl with milk and a bit of honey, and top with fruit and nuts. 

Greek yogurt

This tangy, creamy yogurt is loaded with calcium and boasts plenty of protein—nearly twice as much as regular yogurt—to keep you feeling full throughout the morning. Your best bet: Choose a plain, nonfat variety, and add some fruit to give it some sweetness and flavor (and a dose of added nutrition).

"I love Greek yogurt because it's really quick and easy," Giovinazzo says. "You can always take it with you on your way out the door."

Wheat germ

A little wheat germ goes a long way. Just two tablespoons provides about 15% of your recommended daily intake of vitamin E and 10% of your daily folate. "Vitamin E is often a little low in people's diets, so this is a good way to add in some extra—especially if you don't eat a lot of nuts or seeds, two other big sources," Giovinazzo says.

It's easy to incorporate wheat germ into almost any meal, including your go-to breakfasts: Sprinkle it over cereal, stir it into yogurt, or mix it into a smoothie.


Trying to lose weight? According to one study, eating half a grapefruit before each meal may help you slim down faster, thanks to the fruit's fat-burning properties and its beneficial effect on blood sugar and insulin levels. Grapefruit is also hydrating, filling, and packed with immunity-boosting antioxidants.

For a well-rounded breakfast, pair it with protein—such as yogurt or an egg, Giovinazzo suggests. But check with your doctor first if you take any medications, as grapefruit and grapefruit juice can interfere with some prescription drugs. 


There's nothing like a banana at breakfast to keep those mid-morning cravings at bay. The yellow fruit—especially when they're still a touch green—are one of the best sources of resistant starch, a healthy carbohydrate that keeps you feeling fuller longer.

"Slice it up and add it to cereal or oatmeal," Giovinazzo suggests. "It will add natural sweetness, so you may not need additional sugar."

Thanks to a healthy dose of potassium, an electrolyte that helps lower blood pressure naturally, bananas are a particularly good choice for people with hypertension. 


These incredible edibles have made quite a comeback in recent years. Once shunned for being high in dietary cholesterol (one yolk contains about 60% of your daily allotment), eggs are now embraced as a healthy source of protein and nutrients like vitamin D. Why the turnabout? Research has shown that the cholesterol in our food has less of an impact on blood cholesterol than previously thought.

"If, overall, you're choosing lean proteins and not eating a ton of fat and cholesterol, then eggs are a great thing to have in your diet," says Giovinazzo. The American Heart Association recommends that people with normal cholesterol limit their cholesterol intake to 300 milligrams per day.

Almond butter

Don't eat eggs or dairy? Almond butter is an excellent alternate source of protein, and it's filled with monounsaturated fat (one of the good fats). Plus, as Giovinazzo points out, "it's really delicious spread on whole grain bread or paired with a banana or an apple."

Nutritionally, almond butter is comparable to peanut butter, and they each have about 100 calories per tablespoon. Almond butter contains slightly less saturated fat, though—a definite point in its favor, even for people who aren't allergic to peanuts. 


As its name suggests, watermelon is an excellent way to hydrate in the morning. What's less well known is this juicy fruit is among the best sources of lycopene—a nutrient found in red fruits and vegetables that's important for vision, heart health, and cancer prevention.

Best of all, watermelon contains just 40 calories per cup, landing it on lists of so-called negative-calorie foods that supposedly burn more calories during digestion than they add in. (Actually, it's a bit more complicated than that, but that's no reason to not eat watermelon!)

Flax seed

Sprinkling ground flaxseed into a smoothie or bowl of cereal will turn your breakfast into a gold mine of omega-3 fatty acids; just two tablespoons contains more than 100% of your recommended daily intake for those heart-healthy fats. Flaxseed, which has a nutty flavor, also is rich in fiber and lignan, an antioxidant that's been shown to protect against breast cancer.

A word of caution: Whole flaxseeds will pass through your body without being digested, so be sure to buy them ground or grind them yourself with a coffee or spice grinder. 


Fresh or frozen, these tiny superfruits pack a big antioxidant punch. Or better yet, a flurry of punches: Studies suggest that eating blueberries regularly can help improve everything from memory and motor skills to blood pressure and metabolism. (Wild blueberries, in particular, have one of the highest concentrations of the powerful antioxidants known as anthocyanins.)

Blueberries are also lower in calories than a lot of other fruits (they contain just 80 per cup), so you can pile them onto your cereal without worrying about your waistline.


"Berries are superfoods because they're so high in antioxidants without being high in calories," Giovinazzo says. One cup of strawberries, for instance, contains your full recommended daily intake of vitamin C, along with high quantities of folic acid and fiber.

Strawberries are good for your ticker, too. A 2013 study found that women were less likely to have a heart attack over an 18-year period if they ate more than three servings of strawberries or blueberries per week. (Strawberries, like blueberries, are a good source of anthocyanins.)

Morning Coffee

That espresso doesn't just wake you up. Coffee drinking has been linked to a lower risk of several diseases (such as diabetes and prostate cancer), and it may even help you live longer. Researchers suspect the combination of caffeine and antioxidants are responsible for many of the observed health benefits. (A 2005 study found that coffee is the number-one source of antioxidants in the U.S. diet, believe it or not.)

Of course, loading coffee up with cream and sugar may erase any potential benefits. So skip the fancy flavored drinks, and stick with skim milk. 


Not a coffee person? Tea has a pretty impressive résumé of health benefits, too. Because it has less caffeine, it hydrates you more effectively than coffee, and it's also a rich source of the immunity-boosting antioxidants known as catechins.

All tea (black, green, or white) provides antioxidants, but green tea may be healthiest of all. Research suggests that drinking five cups a day can increase your body's metabolism and help you lose more weight around the middle.

Thursday, February 14, 2013

Tasty and Healthy Chocolate Recipes

We heart chocolate!

chocolate-heartChocolate was once strictly in the category of occasional indulgence (it can be high in fat and calories), but the evidence is piling up that dark chocolate has beneficial antioxidants.

That said, we compiled a list of the best recipes that maximize the chocolate-y goodness, while minimizing sugar, fat, and calories.

From drinks to desserts to cocktails, these delicious recipes all feature your favorite sweet treat. 

Black Forest Trifle


This is a new twist on the traditional multi-layered English dessert. It contains 16 ounces of no-sugar-added pitted cherries (frozen is fine) and it's low in calories, cholesterol, fat, and saturated fat.

This recipe isn't a bad choice for those with diabetes thanks to the sugar-free chocolate, fat-free whipped topping, and fat-free milk (keep in mind that it has 28.1 grams of carbohydrates per serving, and exercise portion control).

(Make a reduced-sugar trifle using sugar-free chocolate cake, sugar-free pudding, frozen cherries, and whipped topping.  This classic make-ahead layered dessert is ideal for entertaining when you have guests that need to reduce their intake of sugar.)

Black Forest Trifle Recipe:
  • 1 (8-ounce) package chocolate sugar-free, low-fat cake mix (such as Sweet 'N Low)
  • 3/4 cup water
  • 1 (1-ounce) package chocolate sugar-free, fat-free instant pudding mix
  • 2 cups fat-free milk
  • 1 (16-ounce) package frozen no-sugar-added pitted cherries
  • 2 or 3 drops of red food coloring
  • 2 cups fat-free frozen whipped topping, thawed
  • Sugar-free chocolate curls (optional)
Preheat oven to 375°.
Prepare cake mix according to package directions, using 3/4 cup water. Let cake cool in pan; remove from pan, and cut into cubes.
Prepare pudding mix according to package directions, using 2 cups fat-free milk; chill at least 30 minutes.
Thaw cherries, reserving 1/4 cup juice. Combine cherries, juice, and food coloring.
Place half of cake cubes in a 3-quart trifle bowl. Spoon half of cherries over cake; spread 1 cup pudding over cherries, and top with half of whipped topping. Repeat layers. Garnish with chocolate curls, if desired (chocolate curls not included in analysis). Cover and chill at least 8 hours.

Chocolate Martini

Tasting like a rich dessert, this martini is the perfect after-dinner drink.

Ingredients: Vanilla vodka, dark chocolate liqueur, skim milk, chocolate syrup

Calories: 302


chocolate-icebox-cake-raspberryChocolate Icebox Cake With Raspberry Sauce

Thanks to the fat-free sour cream, this recipe has less fat than traditional icebox cake.

A splash of lime juice gives it flavor, but fresh raspberries, chocolate wafers, powdered sugar, and vanilla extract keep it sweet and creamy.

  • 1 pint reduced-fat sour cream
  • 1 pint fat-free sour cream
  • 1 1/3 cups powdered sugar, divided
  • 1 1/2 teaspoons vanilla extract
  • 1/8 teaspoon salt, divided
  • 42 chocolate wafers (from 2 packages)
  • 3 (6-ounce) packages fresh raspberries, divided
  • 1 1/2 tablespoons water
  • 1 teaspoon fresh lime juice

  1. Line a 9- x 5-inch loaf pan with 2 sheets of plastic wrap (one horizontal, and the other vertical). Let the edges overhang on each side by about 4 inches.
  2. With a whisk, combine sour cream, 1 cup sugar, vanilla, and a dash of salt in a large bowl until blended.
  3. Arrange a layer of about 14 overlapping chocolate wafers in 2 lines on the bottom of the loaf pan, keeping the layer as level as possible. Spread with 1 cup of the sour cream mixture; repeat in the same way with 2 more layers of wafers and cream, ending with cream layer. (You may have wafers left over.) Cover with plastic wrap, and refrigerate until wafers are very soft (at least 12 hours).
  4. Meanwhile, pulse 2 packages of berries in a food processor just until broken up. Add remaining 1/3 cup sugar, water, lime juice, and remaining dash of salt; pulse once or twice. Pour mixture through a coarse strainer; set over a bowl, pressing hard on solids to extract as much liquid as possible (you should have 1 cup). Refrigerate, tightly covered, until thoroughly chilled (about 1 hour); stir before using.
  5. Lift icebox cake out of pan using over-hanging plastic wrap; transfer to a large plate. (Be careful, cake will be very soft.)
  6. Carefully flip cake onto a cutting board, so that the chocolate wafer layer faces up. Peel back plastic wrap. Using a sharp serrated knife, cut cake crosswise into 10 slices, wiping knife clean after each cut. Arrange each slice on a plate, and pour a small pool of raspberry sauce on each plate; garnish evenly with remaining package of raspberries. Serve immediately with remaining sauce.

Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Indonesian food recipe: Ayam Bakar Taliwang

Ayam Bakar Taliwang adalah sajian khas dari daerah Taliwang Lombok, Nusa Tengara Barat.  Rasanya gurih bumbunya meresap ke dalam daging merata bahkan samapi tulangnya dan pedas bikin keringetan saat menyantapnya apalagi dengan nasi hangat pasti bikin ketagihan lidah. Taliwang sendiri adalah sebuah nama tempat di Sumbawa Barat, tapi ayam Taliwang justru sangat terkenal di daerah Lombok. Ayam taliwang ini adalah ayam yang dimasak atau diungkep dengan menggunakan bumbu-bumbu khas Lombok.

Resep Ayam Bakar Taliwang 
BAHAN: Ingredient
1 ekor (800 g) ayam kampung, bersihkan
2 sdm minyak kelapa
4 cm kencur, haluskan
1 sdt terasi, bakar, haluskan
500 ml air
2 sdm air jeruk limau

Bumbu, haluskan:
12 butir bawang merah
6 siung bawang putih
18 buah cabai merah keriting
3 buah cabai rawit merah
1 buah tomat, potong dadu kecil
1 1/2 sdt garam
2 sdt gula merah, sisir

Cara Membuat: HOw to cook it

  1. Belah ayam dua bagian dada tanpa terputus. Kerat-kerat permukaannya. Sisihkan.
  2. Campur minyak kelapa, kencur, terasi, dan air, aduk rata.
  3. Lumuri ayam dengan campuran minyak, diamkan selama 30 menit.
  4. Masak di atas api kecil hingga ayam matang dan bumbu meresap. Tambahkan air jeruk, aduk rata.
  5. Bakar ayam di atas bara api sambil sesekali diolesi sisa bumbu hingga matang, angkat.  
Sajikan. Untuk 5 porsi

Resep Ayam Bakar Presto: Baked Chicken Recipe

  1. 1 ekor ayam, potong jadi 4 bagian
  2. 250 ml air secukupnya
  3. 2 sdm kecap manis
  4. 1 sdt garam
  5. 2 sdm margarin
  6. 2 sdm kecap manis

Bumbu Halus:
5 bh bawang merah
3 siung bawang putih
1 cm jahe
2 cm kunyit
5 cm lengkuas, geprek
4 bh kemiri
3 lbr daun jeruk
3 lbr daun salam

Sambal Tomat:
10 bh cabe merah besar + rawit merah (agar pedas)
1 bh tomat
6 bh bawang merah
3 siung bawang putih
2 btr kemiri
¼ sdt terasi
1 sdt garam
1 sdt gula merah

Cara Membuat:
  1. Masukan bumbu halus dan ayam, kecap manis, garam, air ke dalam panci presto masak selama 20 menit sampai ayam empuk. Tambahkan waktu memasak kalau tulang ayam belum empuk, selama 15 menit.
  2. Setelah empuk, angkat ayam. Dinginkan.
  3. Setelah ayam matang, bakar ayam sambil diolesi dengan campuran margarin dan kecap manis.
  4. Goreng semua bahan sambal tomat, hingga matang. Angkat, haluskan.
  5. Hidangkan ayam dengan sambal tomat dan lalapan.
Ayam bisa juga digoreng, akan tetapi jangan terlalu lama saat menggorengnya, karena ada kecap manisnya.

Sunday, February 10, 2013

Resep ayam bakar enak (Chicken baked recipe)

Cara membuat ayam bakar mungkin sudah bukan hal yang aneh dan susah lagi bagi kebanyakan orang yang suka memasak. Namun, bagi anda yng pemula atau baru masuk dunia memasak, tentunya akan mengalami beberapa kendala atau kesulitan.

Cara membuatnya memang relatif mudah, apalagi jika anda pandai dalam mengolah ramuan bumbunya, pasti akan mendapatkan rasa yang lebih lezat. Nah, pada kesempatan kali ini admin mencoba membagikan mengenai resep cara membuat ayam bakar. Apabila anda tertarik untuk mengikuti, siapkan beberapa bahan di bawah ini.

Bahan-bahan (Ingredient)
- 1 ekor ayam berukuran kecil, potong menjadi 4 bagian
- 2 lembar daun salam
- 3 sendok makan kecap manis
- 3 sendok makan air asam jawa
- 300 ml air
 - 4 siung bawang merah
- 3 siung bawang putih
- 8 buah cabe merah keriting
- ½ sendok teh ketumbar
- 1 cm kunyit dan memarkan
- 2 cm jahe dan memarkan
- 2 cm lengkuas, memarkan
- 1 sendok gula pasir
- Garam secukupnya
(semua bumbu harus  telah digiling halus)

Petunjuk: Direction
Langkah-langkah yang harus anda tempuh untuk membuat ayam bakar yaitu:
1. Lumuri daging ayam dengan bumbu yang dihaluskan, diamkan 30 menit
2. Campur ayam yang sudah dibumbui dengan daun salam, air, air asam dan kecap manis. Masak hingga daging empuk dan kuah mengental kemudian angkat.
3. Bakar di atas bara api hingga permukaan agak kering dan sajikan bersama lalapan

Enjoy the tasty 'Ayam Bakar' !

Friday, February 8, 2013

Say Yes For A Party Dress!

Shiny dancers

Vibrant prints, standout sequins, velvet ruffles—we found eight festive dresses that will make you pop and your figure rock.

Sequins and metallic fabrics can be super-flattering. The rich color and simple cut of this plum sparkler (left) elongates your figure, while the A-line cut and mixed print with darker color on bottom (right) slims your lower half.

Best dressed

Nothing’s more flattering (and comfortable!) than curve-skimming draped jersey. If you’re fair, go for a bright shade like orange; those with medium and dark skin look great in desaturated colors like beige or ivory.

Retro charm

Hot in the '50s, in the '80s, and this holiday season, a full-skirted frock works on almost every body type. If you're bottom-heavy, it hides flaws; if you've got a boyish figure, it creates a perfect hourglass.




Cocktail ready

This season's bright colors are surprisingly easy to wear. This blue dress highlights your narrowest spot (a few inches above your waist). And the raspberry-pink velvet print is festive but not fussy.

Pop art

Since bold patterns look best on simple dress shapes, this cap-sleeve sheath is the perfect complement to gorgeous oversized roses. Plus, the fitted fabric has spandex that sucks you in for a so-thin look.


Thursday, February 7, 2013

Total beauty for your body and face

Picture this: You arrive at a restaurant to meet your best friend for brunch and as you lean in for a hug, you spot a crusted, muddy-looking blotch of concealer on her cheek. As she starts filling you in on her latest news all you're thinking is: Her concealer is doing nothing but making that zit look worse -- how do I tell her?

That's the thing about concealer. We do everything we can to use it to camouflage our flaws yet all too often, we end up accentuating them. And that's why, despite the fact that breaking down the details of how to apply concealer correctly sounds like the most boring makeup topic ever, it’s an important skill to hone.

Skip ahead to see how to apply concealer like a pro.

And while applying concealer properly may not be rocket science, it's not necessarily an intuitive process either. In fact, celebrity makeup artist Mario Dedivanovic (the guy responsible for making Kim Kardashian's complexion look flawless, even when it's not), says the most common mistake he sees women make with concealer is the most basic: We don't match it to our skin tone.

"When the concealer is too dark, setting it with powder will only make it darker, which makes the spot you're trying to cover look like a muddy patch of skin," Dedivanovic says.

But he also maintains that's not where the big fail ends. When we set the concealer with powder, we're using the wrong shade of powder. "You have to use a powder that's a shade lighter than your skin tone, because when dry powder touches wet concealer, it'll get darker." Who knew? Another life-changing tip from Dedivanovic: Apply your loose powder with a velour puff brush; using a natural bristle brush can leave streaks on your skin.

Getting the distinct sense that Dedivanovic knows a thing or two about faking flawless skin? Good. Because with his tips, your odds of never being that girl with the awkward concealer blob on her face are vastly im

How to conceal under-eye bags

You need: liquid concealer with lifting ingredients + latex sponge + loose powder

How to apply: To counteract the yellow, bluish hues under the eyes, Dedivanovic says to use a peach-based concealer. A lot of concealers have a yellow-base, which would only make the area look more dull and sallow. "The peach brings warmth to the area," he says.

And since the eye area is susceptible to fine lines, make sure the concealer has a lifting ingredient like vitamin A to prevent the concealer from settling into the creases. Dedivanovic loves DiorSkin Sculpt Smoothing Lifting Concealer, $35.

Finish by running a sponge under water, squeeze the water out, dip into loose powder, then dab over the area to set the concealer. Dedivanovic recommends the Beauty Blender, $26, which he calls "the greatest thing to happen to makeup in many years." 

How to conceal scars or dark spots

You need: cream pot + lifting concealer + concealer brush + latex sponge+ loose powder

How to apply: To completely erase the dark pigment, you need the heavy coverage of a cream concealer, says Dedivanovic. "Cream concealers have a thicker texture with less oil than liquid, so they last longer." He recommends applying the concealer with a brush just where the darkness is. (Try Laura Mercier Secret Camouflage, $30, and Laura Mercier Secret Camouflage Brush, $26.) Then, apply a dab of lifting concealer, which will provide a highlight. Finish with a damp sponge and loose powder to blend it all together.

How to conceal redness around the nose

You need: cream concealer + latex sponge+ loose powder

How to apply: Since the area around your nose gets oily quickly, Dedivanovic recommends using an oil-free cream concealer, which "will provide heavier coverage. As you get oily during the day, concealer darkens so you want to use a concealer that has a dry consistency," he says. We recommend Bobbi Brown Creamy Concealer, $23.

Use your ring finger to pat and blend the concealer into the crease around the nose. Then take your damp makeup sponge, dip in loose powder, and blend. Try Physician's Formula Mineral Wear Talc-Free Airbrushing Loose Powder SPF 30, $13.95 Dedivanovic says this is important, because "a lot of times the foundation and concealer are two different products with different finishes, so you have to blend the two together." 

Secrets Tanning Salons Don't Want You to Know 

If you've ever set foot in a tanning bed salon, you've heard the hard sell. They push "tan accelerators" costing up to $90 a pop, a "package" of tans so your "glow doesn't go," and the promise that tanning beds are a "smarter" choice than baking out at the beach.

 And apparently, you don't have to be a dummy to be sold. Nearly 30 million Americans a year tan indoors, allowing the industry to pull in a whopping five billion dollars per annum in revenue, according to The Skin Cancer Foundation. That's a lot of willing costumers allowing a business to knowingly, and quite happily, damage their skin.

So what is this, an alternate universe? What happened to the idea that the beauty industry was one that promoted youth and health? Spending time in a tanning bed practically guarantees you'll eventually deal with skin problems like photo damage, brown spots, fine lines, and wrinkles. Oh and hey, perhaps you've heard about this thing called melanoma, another not-so-lovely side effect of your tanning habit. Yeah, it's a deadly skin cancer that can spread throughout your entire body and kill you. Dead.

So why do Americans continue to subject themselves to the wrath of tanning beds and what are the secrets these salons are keeping from us in order to keep business booming? Read on. 

Tanning indoors is more dangerous than tanning outdoors

One of the most common spiels you'll hear at the tanning salon is that if you're going to tan, it's "smarter" to do so in a bed as opposed to outdoors. Tanning salon employees like Heather Carrillo, who worked at a salon for a year and a half, say they are taught in their "Smart-Tan Certification" to "never say indoor tanning is 'safe' [but] to say it is 'smart.' Obviously getting a tan is not safe, so the selling point is that in a bed you can monitor the exact amount of exposure as opposed to tanning outside where the UV percentages change every day."

So is this true? Is tanning indoors smarter that outdoors due to the "controlled environment" of a bed? David E. Bank, MD, a dermatologist and educational spokesperson for The Skin Cancer Foundation, says no. In fact, he maintains that it's quite the opposite -- tanning indoors is actually more dangerous to the health of your skin because "you're getting a much higher concentration of the longer wavelength UVA, which damages more deeply into the skin" than being out in the sun. And research backs him up. "Frequent tanners using new, high-pressure sunlamps may receive as much as 12 times the annual UVA dose compared to the dose they receive from sun exposure" and are "74 percent more likely to develop melanoma than those who have never tanned indoors," says The Skin Cancer Foundation.

"Tanorexia" is a real disease

A disorder that means a tanned person never feels like they are "tan enough" is a real issue; one that has garnered the street term, "tanorexia."

In a study published in the "Archives of Dermatology," behavioral scientists found that a subgroup of college students who tanned indoors showed tell-tale signs of a substance-related disorder -- meaning they were hooked on tanning the same way people are addicted to drugs and alcohol. These frequent tanners, or "tanorexics," were also "more likely to report moderate to severe symptoms of anxiety and depression than their peers who were not addicted to tanning or did not tan at all," says "Time" magazine.

All of the addicted students polled knew that they could develop skin cancer from using tanning beds, but 98 percent said the risk didn't prevent them from wanting to be more tan.

Salons don't turn "tanorexics" away

"We didn't turn people away," says former tanning salon associate Carrillo. So a person could come in and tan in a bed every day if they wanted to. "We would try and discourage people if they were already burnt, as burned skin doesn't tan, but some would still tan -- which I thought was crazy," she says. "Sometimes, we would have people sign waivers for liability if they wanted to do something that we didn't agree with, like tan for the max amount [of time] the first time they tanned," she says, but no one is ever flat out denied despite safety rules. 

The FDA doesn't highly regulate tanning beds

Despite the fact that the ultraviolet radiation emitted during a tanning bed session is a proven human carcinogen, the FDA lists tanning beds in the lowest of the three regulatory classes for medical devices, Class I. That means currently, beds are given the same regulation as elastic bandages and tongue depressors, says The Skin Cancer Foundation. So basically, tan at your own, very high, risk.

They convince you that if you're tan, you won't burn

Tanning salons will tell a light complexioned person that they should tan indoors before going on vacation as the darker they are, the less likely they will be to burn in the sun. This is totally false, says Dr. Bank. While one might be less likely to burn in the sun if they naturally have a dark complexion like Middle Easterners, Hispanics, and Blacks, someone that has naturally light skin can still burn no matter how many times they have laid in a tanning bed.

"It's a sales tactic," says Carrillo. "Only sunscreen will help you not burn," she says, "but it worked [to sell tanning sessions]!" 

They lobby for government protection

Even though The International Agency for Research on Cancer, an affiliate of the World Health Organization, includes the UV radiation from tanning beds as one of the most dangerous cancer-causing substances (it's right up there with cigarettes and plutonium), there is no federal regulation banning children under the age of 18 from using the beds. Some states require written parental consent for children between the ages of 14 and 18 to tan, but Carrillo says even that isn't highly enforced.

So why can children under 18 tan? "Part of the problem in this country is that politics is driven by dollars, and the tanning parlor industry has deep pockets to contribute to legislators who vote against bills that would ban minors," says Dr. Bank. There is a powerful lobby out there that has a monetary interest in letting children expose themselves to this extremely dangerous substance.

Tanning beds can be a sweaty cesspool

Compared to the fact that they can kill you, it might seem minor that many beds are full of bacteria and viruses. But salons don't want you to know just what a petri dish of germs their beds really are. Substances reported to be found: Sweat, pee and semen. "It can get pretty gross in those lay-down beds," says Carrillo. "People would leave and there would be pools of sweat on the bed. I always cleaned the beds well, but some girls weren't as diligent. They would use the same cleaning rags [customer after customer]," she says.

While "the cleaner used is supposed to be anti-virus, I actually got a rash once. I thought my back was breaking out really bad but when I asked my doctor, she told me it was a virus that you can contract from a tanning bed [that hasn’t been disinfected]," says Carrillo. 

Saturday, February 2, 2013

Hollywood Celebrity and Fashion

Beyonce: Tragic Misscarriage 

Oprah Winfrey (TV)  May. 29, 2007
Larry King Live (TV)  Apr. 2, 2007
Inside Edition (TV)  Dec. 25, 2006
Late Show With David Letterman (TV)  Dec. 19, 2006
Making the Video (TV)  Nov. 29, 2006 
With stunning looks, a glamorous style and pop-star status, it was inevitable that this diva would eventually try her hand at acting. And while she's fared better than Mariah Carey, it remains to be seen whether Knowles can actually act or just act sassy. After topping the charts as part of the award-winning R&B trio Destiny's Child, she struck out on her own and scored a string of solo hits, often collaborating with rapper boyfriend Jay-Z. She made her acting debut on the small screen in Carmen: A Hip Hopera and quickly moved on to features with spirited turns in the comedies Austin Powers in Goldmember and The Pink Panther. But the diamond in her tiara was winning the lead in the highly anticipated film adaptation of the musical Dreamgirls, which earned her a Golden Globe nod.

Beyoncé is all anyone can talk. But as more details regarding her HBO documentary Life Is But a Dream has emerged, the Beyoncé news has taken a somber turn. According to outlets privy to an advance screening of the film, including People, Beyonce opened up about her miscarriage. "It was the saddest thing I've ever been through," Beyoncé says. 

Jay-Z alluded to the tragedy in his 2012 song for daughter Blue Ivy, "Glory," with the lyrics: "False alarms and false starts / All made better by the sound of your heart. / All the pain of the last time / I praised so hard it was the last time." But this is the first time Beyoncé has commented on it. "About two years ago, I was pregnant for the first time. And I hear the heartbeat, which was the most beautiful music I ever heard in my life," she says.

Beyoncé continues, "Being pregnant was very much like falling in love. You are so open. You are so overjoyed. There's no words that can express having a baby growing inside of you, so of course you want to scream it out and tell everyone."

But then, tragically, complications to the pregnancy caused her to lose the baby. "I flew back to New York to get my check up – and no heartbeat. Literally the week before I went to the doctor, everything was fine, but there was no heartbeat," she says. Beyoncé then "went into the studio and wrote the saddest song I've ever written in my life … And it was actually the first song I wrote for my album. And it was the best form of therapy for me, because it was the saddest thing I've ever been through."

A year following her loss, Beyoncé and Jay-Z welcomed beautiful baby Blue Ivy Carter into their lives.
(source: http://www.hollywood.com)

The Yoga Sutra From Miley Cyrus
How does Miley Cyrus unwind while on a tropical vacation with her beau? By doing yoga on the beach of course. While in Costa Rica with fiancé Liam Hemsworth over Jan. 21, Cyrus decided to get all downward-facing-dog in the sand.

Ah, nature. What better way to escape the crazy hustle and bustle of Hollywood and clear your head than a little vinyasa beside the waves? Following her practice, Cyrus tweeted, "Para para paradise... Rare to get a moment to thank the universe for all my blessings in the form of yoga in a place like this." In case you want to unite your inner and outer universe with Cyrus, we've created the below follow-along chart to achieving balance, Miley-style (click the image for a larger version).

Miley Cyrus Bio
Recent Credits
LOL (FILM)  May. 4, 2012
Sex and the City 2 (FILM)  May. 27, 2010
The Last Song (FILM)  Mar. 31, 2010
Hannah Montana: The Movie (FILM)  Apr. 10, 2009
Bolt (FILM)  Nov. 21, 2008 

Nicknamed Miley by her father, country singer and actor Billy Ray Cyrus.
Appeared in the video for bluegrass singer Rhonda Vincent's song "If Heartaches Had Wings."
Has inked a four-album deal with Hollywood Records.